McCartin, professor of History at Georgetown. “This was the height of postwar union strength,” says Joseph A. history, it fit into a larger pattern of labor movements at the time. While the Kohler strike's length gives it a unique place in U.S. Sheboygan's hate reaches even to the children: an everyday sight is a tight-lipped child followed by other children shrilly jeering, 'Your father's a dirty scab!’ - time magazine At night, normally law-abiding citizens vent their gnawing hatred against their enemies in acts of vandalism: slashing automobile tires, scattering nails in driveways, hurling glass jars filled with paint through house windows. Passing on the street, men who used to be coworkers, neighbors and friends now glare at each other in deep-frozen enmity. 45,000), the Wisconsin city of She-boygan-'the greatest little town in the world’-may well be the most hate-ridden community in the U.S. 17, 1958, issue of TIME magazine described the bitterness of the strike four years in, with 2,800 of 3,300 workers striking:įor its size (pop. There were families where strikers ostracized a close relative who crossed the picket line. Gas masks were a common sight at pickets, according to TIME, and in one confrontation, 300 people were arrested. The battle between management and workers spilled out into the streets and became increasingly acrimonious. The UAW also organized a nationwide boycott of Kohler products among plumbers, contractors, and municipal officers, from Boston to Los Angeles.